Introducing the Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures.
As a school Strathcona supports students to achieve the best results they can, but our goal is much bigger. We want our students to have lives full of opportunity and reward. What that looks like in the future will be very different from what it has been in the past. There have been huge changes in work over the past ten years and we can only guess at the changes in the next ten. Things that dominate education today may not exist in ten years, like the ATAR and examinations. Certainly, soon after students finish school, these things do not dominate people’s lives. Recognising this, the Strathcona Centre For Learning Futures focuses on the learning what will be useful in ten years’ time and beyond. As such, it aims to address the following questions:
- What careers will be available and what will people do in those careers?
- What skills will be needed to access those careers?
- What can students, schools and parents do about identifying, valuing and developing those skills?
- What learning empowers each student well after the Year 12 results have come out?
To achieve these aims the Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures provides access to thought leaders in the field as well as future focussed models of thinking for parents, students and educators. This will inform our implementation of pedagogies in our classrooms. Our action research will help inform us of what our students need in the classroom to attain the skills and dispositions that will serve them in their futures.
Event 1: Energy, Future, You – Kenneth Kong, Head of Strategy and Portfolio at BP Asia Pacific
The first event of the Centre for Learning Futures was held on 10 September in Strathcona’s Year 10 and 11 Centre. As a leader in his field he is entrusted to develop strategy for BP. We can imagine some challenges BP faces as one of the world’s largest oil companies.
An audience of parents, past and current students, teaching staff and visitors heard Ken’s views on the future of energy and the challenges it poses – not just the energy we associate with oil, but personal, physiological energy to live life to the full and have rewarding careers.
Ken left us with four key takeaways.
- The only certainty is uncertainty.
For example, the oil price might rise, it might fall, or it might be volatile. Oil companies must prepare for all three.
- There are dual imperatives.
For example, the world demands a growing supply of energy and at the same time, needs to greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
- An increasingly complex industry needs skills and capabilities to adapt and transform.
Ken presented the wide range of careers available in the energy industry and the skills required.
- Your “ENERGY” gives you the resilience needed for the long career journey ahead. This energy comes from loving what you do, being great at what you do and finding relevance in what you do.
This is sound advice for young people developing their careers. Ken then engaged the audience in a Q and A. We thank Ken for his generosity in giving up his evening to share his expertise and experience with us.
The next event will be a workshop for parents and their daughters on design thinking using technology with more events in planning stages for the new year.