TC Envision for the WIN

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TC Envision staff are named the 2020 UpSchool Entrepreneur Educators of the Year at The University of Melbourne Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship. It is a testament to the forward-thinking Entrepreneurial TC Envision program which teaches life ready skills to our girls. Plus, our outstanding Year 9 student TC Envision Business group TC Marketplace website was awarded the 2020 UpSchool Student Pitch Winner! #girlsunstoppable #unstoppableteaching

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TC Envision staff have been named the 2020 UpSchool Entrepreneur Educators of the Year at  The University of Melbourne Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship. It is a testament to the forward-thinking Enterepeurial TC Envision program which teaches life ready skills to our Year 9 students.

Our outstanding Year 9 student business team TC Marketplace website also was awarded the 2020 UpSchool Student Pitch Competition! They have won an Entrepreneurship EcoSystem Tour and a place at the Wade Annual Showcase, where they will be able to showcase the e-commerce marketplace that they built and now selling all of the other TC Envision business goods through. Check it out for all the diverse and innovative businesses.

The winning 2020

UpSchool Entrepreneur Educators of the Year video.

This is our winning Year 9 Business.