Senior School

Senior School is a time of preparing for the future and Strathcona Girls Grammar gives your daughter all the support she needs to face the world with courage and optimism.
In our Senior School, we provide an extensive academic program and a broad range of activities and leadership initiatives, so that every student has the opportunity to develop her talents, skills and confidence. In Years 10 – 12 the focus turns towards becoming independent learners with their studies. Through guided research, individual consultation with staff and study skills advice, Strathcona girls gain autonomy in their learning. We prepare them to understand what they need to think and reflect upon in the learning process, to achieve their personal best not only for their final secondary school years, but beyond into tertiary studies and the challenges of a future career.
Our range of co-curricular activities adds richness to the senior experience and encourages the social development of the students. Outstanding facilities support the diverse academic program which has helped make Strathcona one of the state’s top VCE schools. Global awareness is encouraged through the International Exchanges and Tours.
VCE Results
When ranking schools by VCE results, Strathcona places high. Each year the top achievers at Strathcona obtain ATARs over 99 and over 50% of students achieve ATARs in the top 10% of the State. Strathcona Girls Grammar students undertake a wide range of tertiary courses, the majority gaining entry to Melbourne, Monash and Deakin Universities.
See how Strathcona stacks up against other independent girls’ schools in Melbourne here.

Strathcona Senior Years Academic Pathway meets the individual needs of each student and enables them to thrive in their areas of interest and talent.
In Year 10 the fully elective learning model allows students to select from a range of course options within the mandatory subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and the Humanities, as well as a variety of engaging Elective options in the Arts, Technology, IT or Music. The key idea is for Strathcona students to design their own course, to provide breadth, challenge, choice and flexibility within the Core Program. There is also a limited choice of some Units 1 and 2 subjects to begin to give students the responsibility of preparing for a VCE program.
The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is a flexible program of study and has a diverse range of subjects. At Strathcona Girls Grammar, it is a course designed to be taken mainly in Years 11 and 12 and studies are made up of Units numbered 1, 2, 3 or 4. Each unit is taken over a semester:
- Units 1 and 2 are designed to be taken by Year 11 students but they can be taken by students at either year level (including one subject at Year 10). They may be taken separately or in sequence.
- Units 3 and 4 are designed to be taken by Year 12 students but they also can be taken by students at either year level. Units 3 and 4 must be taken as a sequence.
Many Year 11 students include a VCE Units 3 and 4 sequence in their program and an acceleration pathway in Mathematics begins in Year 9.
At Years 11 and 12, there are also opportunities to take VET modules in a variety of subjects due to our partnership with the Inner Melbourne VET Cluster (IMVC), as well as first year university enhancement subjects.
Strathcona takes great pride in the personal care of students and its encouragement of well-balanced personal relationships.
Students at the senior level receive a range of support including our Year Coordinators, Heads of House, House Mentors, Pastrols Tutors and the School Chaplain. Our Strathcona School Counsellor, a trained psychologist, provides counselling for students and parents when needed.
Leadership opportunities are a vital part of preparation for the future and are provided through the various cross-age programs at Strathcona Girls Grammar.
Opportunities for Year 10 students include:
- Form and Year Level activity responsibilities
- Management responsibilities for the Years 7 and 8 drama production.
Opportunities for Year 11 students include:
- Year 11 Leadership
- Year 11 Social Service leadership positions
- Debating and Public Speaking leadership positions
- Peer Support to Year 7 students
- Big Sister/Little Sister programs with Prep to Year 2 students
- House leadership position for the Performing Arts Festival
Year 12 students are considered leaders of the School. Many take on particular leadership responsibilities in areas such as:
- School Captaincy
- House activities
- Creative Arts – Art, Drama and Music
- Sport
- Information, Literature and Media
- International Student Leader
- Issues and Actions
At Strathcona Girls Grammar, we encourage students to plan a VCE course around their career interest areas and personal strengths. They are also made aware of the requirements for entry into tertiary institutions when making subject choices for VCE.
Strathcona’s careers program is designed to provide age- and stage-appropriate information and experiences to all students from Junior school through to Year 12.
By the time they graduate from school, Strathcona girls should have developed a strong sense of self, as well as the necessary skills to manage their career decisions and planning as adults.
Careers services at Strathcona include:
- The regular provision of targeted, up-to-date and key information & dates to assist students in career exploration and course applications
- Structured opportunities for students to explore and reflect on individual strengths (through the Morrisby test), passions and interests, work and life values, and both short- and long-term goals
- A careers Mentoring Program providing students with direct access via phone or email to Strathcona alumni working in specific career areas
- 1: 1 counselling of students to assist them in self-reflection and help ensure they have the skills, knowledge and resources to make informed, sound VCE subject and tertiary course choices
- A visiting speakers program covering a range of topics from interview skills and financial literacy, to specific careers
- An annual Careers Night with tertiary institutions and OSA alumni sharing information and answering questions of students and parents
- Skills development for students in course and careers research and planning
- Assistance with the preparation for, and administration of, Work Experience placements (and part-time employment)
Each Strathcona student has a personalised program from the following, including English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and four electives. All students do Health and Physical Education.
- English
- #sayhername
- That’s a classic!
- The Power of Love
- Law and Order
- Mathematics
- Mathematics
- Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 (Accceleration)
- Foundation Mathematics
- Science
- Science of Life, Energy and Matter
- Science for Life
- Physical Education
- Geography
- History
- Commerce
- Applied Computing
- Art and Design
- Photography, Paint and Illustrate
- Sculpture and Installation
- Design and Innovate
- Play Production
- Digital Futures
- Languages
- French
- Italian
- Mandarin Chinese
- Music
- Exercise Science
- Food Studies: Cook, Create and Innovate
VCE Studies
- Accounting
- Art
- Biology
- Business Management (Units 3/4)
- Chemistry
- Drama (alternate years)
- Economics
- English
- English
- English as an Additional Language (EAL)
- Literature
- Geography
- Global Politics (Units 3/4)
- Health and Human Development
- History
- Modern History
- Revolutions
- Legal Studies
- Languages
- French
- Italian
- Chinese
- Mathematics
- General Mathematics Units 1 to 4
- Mathematical Methods Units 1 to 4
- Specialist Mathematics Units 1 to 4
- Music
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Psychology
- Theatre Studies (alternate years)
- Visual Communication Design
Open Mornings
Attend our next Open Morning to meet our Principal, key staff, and current students on a typical day. Please click here to register.
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Take a virtual tour through our various campuses and view 360-degree imagery along your journey.
Small Group Tour
(Senior School)
Our Senior School is home to Year 10 to 12 students. See our classrooms and students in action.
Personal Tour
Please contact our Registrar to arrange a personalised tour of Strathcona. Typically, these take place during school hours and term time.