Romeo and Juliet – Year 9 Drama Production

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Thursday 25 & Friday 26 October 7.00pm-9.00pm, Tay Creggan, The Great Hall, 30 Yarra Street, Hawthorn The Year 9 Drama production of Romeo and Juliet is set in a war-ravaged contemporary setting. Though non-specific, the location could be battle-scarred Syria, devastated by warring factions. The young lovers belong to combating factions hostile to each other. Thus their love […]

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Thursday 25 & Friday 26 October 7.00pm-9.00pm, Tay Creggan, The Great Hall, 30 Yarra Street, Hawthorn

The Year 9 Drama production of Romeo and Juliet is set in a war-ravaged contemporary setting. Though non-specific, the location could be battle-scarred Syria, devastated by warring factions. The young lovers belong to combating factions hostile to each other. Thus their love is both forbidden and dangerous. The setting resonates powerfully with a modern audience constantly bombarded with images of the bloody consequence of civil unrest and violence. It also allows the tragic outcome of this prohibited love a more immediate and profound impact.

Tickets are $10 and to purchase please click here.