Vision & Values

Strathcona aspires to be a nurturing learning community that develops intellectually curious, optimistic, life-ready young women who are empowered to shape their future in a rapidly changing world.

Our Values
Our Guiding Principles
To be courageous and creative in thinking, learning and research
Focus: Learning, curriculum, teaching and research
Strathcona will rigorously pursue intellectual and ethical understanding. In a culture that is curious and discerning, we will embrace difficulty and complexity to create new perspectives and ways of working. People in the Strathcona community will understand the importance of a growth mindset and consider themselves to be life-long learners continuously seeking to understand, innovate and improve.
To act judiciously and purposefully in contribution to the world
Focus: Service, leadership, global engagement and active contribution
Service to others and to community is an enduring value of the School. As a community, our contribution to humanity and the environment will be consciously grounded in considered principles of service, justice, respect, generosity and courage. In order to engage ethically with the world, and act as agents of change, Strathcona will instil in students a balance of knowledge and set of skills including leadership, empathy, eloquence, confidence and experience.
To be resourceful, resilient and optimistic in spirit
Focus: Wellbeing, health, care, faith and spirituality
Individuals will develop the intrinsic motivation and ‘know how’ to be resourceful and resilient in a complex and dynamic world. Through action and reflection the ‘spirited self-agent’ will be optimistic and purposeful in learning, thoughtful in decision-making, modest in success and robust in adversity. Strathcona will commit itself to equip and support every individual to develop their own ‘voice and identity’ as well as health in body, mind and spirit.
To utilise authentic and agile learning places and systems
Focus: Learning environment – physical and virtual
Strathcona will be a place where new patterns of learning flourish. Learning is an organic, life-wide process that can occur anywhere at any time, particularly in the contemporary context of mobile technologies and global engagement. The learning ecosystem of Strathcona will enable the acquisition of deep knowledge, skills and understanding across multiple domains, in simultaneous experiences (intellectual, social, physical, spiritual, aesthetic) through flexible structures that challenge orthodox boundaries.
To enrich and strengthen our multi-faceted contemporary community
Focus: Wider community, alumnae, families and partners
At Strathcona, we will develop and extend enduring and mutually beneficial relationships with existing and future Strathcona community members, in order to further enrich and strengthen our multi-faceted contemporary learning community.
To ensure visionary leadership and wise stewardship
Focus: Leadership, governance and operational performance
Strathcona will consciously nurture a culture of prudent stewardship where resources are optimised for the benefit of students, staff and our community while also strengthening the foundations for a sustainable and confident future.
Strategic Vision
In 2021, Strathcona launched a new Strategic Vision, to guide the school to 2025.
Statement of Philosophy
• We are committed to advancing education within a Christian learning community and operating in a manner which bears witness to the Christian faith having regard to the School’s Baptist foundation.
• We are committed to offering our students the best education possible, and allowing each student to realise their full potential.
• We are committed to offering the best academic environment possible. To do this, we support each student’s learning and ensure that each student can learn in an environment free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
• We are committed to caring for each student’s emotional and pastoral needs. To do this, we have a pastoral care framework and provide support such as counselling services and education on resilience and mental health.
• We are committed to allowing each student to achieve in areas of their own interest. To do this, we accommodate each student’s interests, allowing them to balance curricular and extra-curricular activities, and encourage them to pursue their interests.
• We are committed to fostering leadership in all of our students. To achieve this, we have programs and activities which encourage each student to lead among their peers.
• We are committed to allowing each student to live a healthy and active lifestyle. To do this, we provide education on a healthy lifestyle, and encourage sporting and other co-curricular activities.