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Parents Website _ Active_childhood

Ready, set, go: Ways to set your child up for an active lifestyle

Parents have a critical role to play in encouraging healthy habits for kids that will last a lifetime, writes Kim Bate, Head of Health and Physical Education. She gives her tips for parents on supporting an active lifestyle.

Learning Legacy Program – a positive outcome from a difficult year

Strathcona has capitalised on the unprecedented level of responsibility that school students had to embrace during the lockdown.

Boroondara, Stonnington school captains share hopes for 2021

Deputy School Captain, Francesca Clarke shares her vision for 2021 with The Leader.
Schools must prepare students to operate in this new hybrid world...

Pandemic normalises remote learning

“Schools must prepare students to operate in this new hybrid world, where we both work independently and collaborate in person. An education that encourages students to independently grapple with problems and think creatively, while also enabling group collaboration and community learning, will provide them with the best opportunity to thrive,” ...
Untitled design (36)

The benefits of reading for pleasure

Reading is generally regarded as a Good Thing in education, and there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success, but reading for pleasure has benefits that extend far beyond literacy and comprehension skills. Beyond the academic benefits of reading, research has also shown social and emotional benefits. This ...
Top Class etc

So much more

"... preparing our young woman for a life of future work and service is important, a valuable education is about so much more than that. Exposure to the great works of culture, art and performance can enrich a student’s understanding of the world and their place within it." Read what ...

School Libraries just as important as ever

IN this modern era of fake news and alternative facts, school libraries are more important than they have ever been. Well-resourced and utilised, they are a vital part of preparing students for the future by facilitat¬ing a range of skills, including the ability to find information quickly and identify trustworthy ...

Physical Education is more than a Sport

Don’t you just play games all day? That is one of the most frustrating questions Physical Education (PE) teachers get asked about their jobs. Well yes, we do play games but there is more to Physical Education than scores on the board. Ask any ‘Phys Edder’ about their values and ...
ATAR v Edutest graph

Does choosing a Strathcona education for your daughter provide an additional advantage?

School is important, but which school is also important. What is the part of a school in student results? This is an important question, especially for parents investing considerable financial resources in sending their daughters to a school like Strathcona.

Cyber Safety and Risk

Strathcona's Continuous Learning Program has heightened our awareness of the positive power that technology has in our daily lives. It enabled us to continue to deliver education through three lockdowns and, very importantly, to communicate and maintain connections and a sense of community. However, there is a dark side that ...
in the media what

What’s going to work for me

How to use the lessons of COVID for your career. Head of Careers and Partnerships Ms Joanna Buckley offers 7 tips when planning your career pathway. Year 12 student, Rianna, comments on how COVID has her thinking differently about her future career.
The Parent Website

The ‘Leap’ Years: Ways to support your child and developmental milestones

Prep, and years 4, 7 and 9 are developmental 'leap' years for kids, writes Marise McConaghy. She provides tips for parents to support their children during these formative stages.
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Parents Website _ Active_childhood

Ready, set, go: Ways to set your child up for an active lifestyle

Parents have a critical role to play in encouraging healthy habits for kids that will last a lifetime, writes Kim Bate, Head of Health and Physical Education. She ...
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Learning Legacy Program – a positive outcome from a difficult year

Strathcona has capitalised on the unprecedented level of responsibility that school students had to embrace during the lockdown.
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Boroondara, Stonnington school captains share hopes for 2021

Deputy School Captain, Francesca Clarke shares her vision for 2021 with The Leader.
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Schools must prepare students to operate in this new hybrid world...

Pandemic normalises remote learning

“Schools must prepare students to operate in this new hybrid world, where we both work independently and collaborate in person. An education that encourages students to independently grapple ...
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Untitled design (36)

The benefits of reading for pleasure

Reading is generally regarded as a Good Thing in education, and there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success, but reading for pleasure has benefits that ...
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Top Class etc

So much more

"... preparing our young woman for a life of future work and service is important, a valuable education is about so much more than that. Exposure to the ...
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School Libraries just as important as ever

IN this modern era of fake news and alternative facts, school libraries are more important than they have ever been. Well-resourced and utilised, they are a vital part ...
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Physical Education is more than a Sport

Don’t you just play games all day? That is one of the most frustrating questions Physical Education (PE) teachers get asked about their jobs. Well yes, we do ...
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ATAR v Edutest graph

Does choosing a Strathcona education for your daughter provide an additional advantage?

School is important, but which school is also important. What is the part of a school in student results? This is an important question, especially for parents investing ...
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Cyber Safety and Risk

Strathcona's Continuous Learning Program has heightened our awareness of the positive power that technology has in our daily lives. It enabled us to continue to deliver education through ...
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in the media what

What’s going to work for me

How to use the lessons of COVID for your career. Head of Careers and Partnerships Ms Joanna Buckley offers 7 tips when planning your career pathway. Year 12 ...
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The Parent Website

The ‘Leap’ Years: Ways to support your child and developmental milestones

Prep, and years 4, 7 and 9 are developmental 'leap' years for kids, writes Marise McConaghy. She provides tips for parents to support their children during these formative ...
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