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Global Action Research Collaborative

Building problem-solving capacity, confidence, and skills in girls.

Cyber Kindness

Kindness is a frequently forgotten mode of connection that benefits both the giver and the receiver. Year 7 students spend time learning about how to navigate the cyber world with kindness.
pic of the age

Striding out for pathways to empowerment

Adaptability and resilience are necessary skills for the 21st century, writes Anders Furze. For many schools, the days of viewing students as “empty vessels” to be filled with knowledge are long gone. To best equip students to navigate the uncertainty of the 21st century, many schools are combining traditional learning ...

Planning Liveable Cities

How are you enjoying your city right now? At the Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures we are always working to connect our students and the community with those who can help them connect their schooling with their futures in work and in life. While we have a heightened awareness of ...

Why entrepreneurship education is the most important subject you can study at school

Entrepreneurial education provides students with transversal skills to negotiate and thrive in increasingly complex societies and must be seen as one specific approach to enable schools to address gender inequality issues and the lack of female activation in commercial enterprises.
Girls Confidence

How girls’ schools foster confidence, shaping female leaders of tomorrow

A child’s learning environment impacts their view of themselves and their place in the world, which is why we strive to create a safe and supportive space where our girls have the opportunity and the drive to try new things, discover their talents, and develop a strong sense of self ...
Green Evolution

Green Evolution

Learn more about sustainability from a dedicated panel of experts who shared their knowledge about the impact we have on our planet and ways we can protect it for future generations.
Digital Learning

Future Proofing the next generation

Digital literacy, digital intelligence and digital technologies are woven throughout Strathcona’s teaching.
marise mcconaghy headshot

Learning leadership skills starts at school

In The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, Principal, Mrs Marise McConaghy discusses how to best prepare our students for their futures.
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SOUL – ELC and Junior School Wellbeing Program

Developing respectful relationships, building resilience, and developing problem-solving strategies are integral to students' wellbeing. At Strathcona in our ELC and Junior School these skills are taught through our SOUL Wellbeing program.

Meet our Year 8 Coordinator

"No matter what, you will make mistakes, learn from them, forgive yourselves and others who make them and be confident in the knowledge that you can lean on and be supported by family, friends, and teachers when needed." is the advice given from our Year 8 Coordinator, Mrs Melissa Patel. ...

How principals can boost female engagement in STEM education

Multiple studies have shown a significant disparity between genders working within STEM careers in Australia. Strathcona Girls Grammar students are bucking the trend in the percentage of students studying stem as it encourages curiosity over perfectism.
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Global Action Research Collaborative

Building problem-solving capacity, confidence, and skills in girls.
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Cyber Kindness

Kindness is a frequently forgotten mode of connection that benefits both the giver and the receiver. Year 7 students spend time learning about how to navigate the ...
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pic of the age

Striding out for pathways to empowerment

Adaptability and resilience are necessary skills for the 21st century, writes Anders Furze. For many schools, the days of viewing students as “empty vessels” to be filled with ...
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Planning Liveable Cities

How are you enjoying your city right now? At the Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures we are always working to connect our students and the community with those ...
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Why entrepreneurship education is the most important subject you can study at school

Entrepreneurial education provides students with transversal skills to negotiate and thrive in increasingly complex societies and must be seen as one specific approach to enable schools to address ...
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Girls Confidence

How girls’ schools foster confidence, shaping female leaders of tomorrow

A child’s learning environment impacts their view of themselves and their place in the world, which is why we strive to create a safe and supportive space where ...
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Green Evolution

Green Evolution

Learn more about sustainability from a dedicated panel of experts who shared their knowledge about the impact we have on our planet and ways we can protect it ...
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Digital Learning

Future Proofing the next generation

Digital literacy, digital intelligence and digital technologies are woven throughout Strathcona’s teaching.
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marise mcconaghy headshot

Learning leadership skills starts at school

In The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, Principal, Mrs Marise McConaghy discusses how to best prepare our students for their futures.
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SOUL – ELC and Junior School Wellbeing Program

Developing respectful relationships, building resilience, and developing problem-solving strategies are integral to students' wellbeing. At Strathcona in our ELC and Junior School these skills are taught through our ...
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Meet our Year 8 Coordinator

"No matter what, you will make mistakes, learn from them, forgive yourselves and others who make them and be confident in the knowledge that you can lean on ...
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How principals can boost female engagement in STEM education

Multiple studies have shown a significant disparity between genders working within STEM careers in Australia. Strathcona Girls Grammar students are bucking the trend in the percentage of students ...
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