
The Board of Directors
The School’s constitution provides for a Board of Directors. Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School is a company by limited guarantee and operates in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 and Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission Act 2012.
While the responsibility for the day-to-day management of the School rests with the Principal and her staff, the Board provides:
- Policy development and ongoing review
- Financial oversight
- Strategic direction and planning
- Risk management and oversight
- Guidance in relation to the development of the School’s property planning
- Approval of the appointment of the Principal and performance appraisals of the Principal
The Board composition reflects the diverse School community. All Board members have leadership experience; many have financial, legal, educational or marketing expertise. Some are current parents and some are past students or parents of past students. All share a collective aim of protecting and enhancing the welfare of the School, and an interest in contributing to the strategic direction of the School.
Under the constitution, the composition of the Board will consist of:
- An ex-officio Director being the Chair of the Baptist Union of Victoria or their nominee.
- At least five Directors.
- One Director must be a former student of the School.
- The Majority of the Board must consist of Directors who have been approved by the Baptist Union of Victoria.
The Board has approved a Statement of Alignment of values setting out how the School Board Directors’ values align with those of the Baptist Union of Victoria.
The Board has committees to assist in its work, comprising:
- The Nominations and Governance Committee
- The Finance and Risk Committee
- The Philanthropy Committee
- The Property Committee
Board Chair
Nominations and Governance Committee Chair: Mrs Jocelyn Furlan, BCom, LLB, FIPA, GAICD
Finance and Risk Committee Chair: Mr Adam Stolz, BCom Hons, GAICD, FIAA
Philanthropy Committee Chair: Ms Olivia Giglia, BMusEd, MManagement (Marketing)
Property Committee Chair: Ms Rachel Butler, B.Envs (Landscape Arch), M.Urban Planning
Baptist Union of Victoria Nominee: Mrs Kristen Smith, M.Ed (Gifted Education), P.Grad Cert Ed (Gifted Education), B.Ed, Dip.T, MACEL
Ms Sarah Dalziel, BEc, GradDipEd, MBA, GAICD
Mr Jonathan Kyvelidis, BComm, MBA, CAANZ, MAICD
Ms Laura Loftus, BCom(Accounting), LLB (Hons), GAICD
Mr Bruce Tobin, MA (Comn)
Principal: Mrs Lorna Beegan, MEDL, H.Dip.Ed, MA, BA
Business Manager and Company Secretary: Mr Jack Palumbo, BA.Acc, Certif Governance Practice & Corp Secretarial, Grad Cert Management of NFP Organisations, CPA, MBA
Senior Leadership Team
Lorna Beegan
Kara Baxter
Jack Palumbo
Lisa Miller
Jen Buchanan
Megan Boyd
Keira Wills
Marion Cape
Joanne Wilson
KJ Maan
Janine de Paiva
Karyn Calder
Strathcona is a not-for-profit independent school. In its policies and practices, the School supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:
• Elected government
• The rule of law
• Equal rights for all before the law
• Freedom of religion
• Freedom of speech and association
• The values of openness and tolerance.
- We are committed to advancing education within a Christian learning community and operating in a manner which bears witness to the Christian faith having regard to the School’s Baptist foundation.
- We are committed to offering our students the best education possible, and allowing each student to realise their full potential.
- We are committed to offering the best academic environment possible. To do this, we support each student’s learning and ensure that each student can learn in an environment free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
- We are committed to caring for each student’s emotional and pastoral needs. To do this, we have a pastoral care framework and provide support such as counselling services and education on resilience and mental health.
- We are committed to allowing each student to achieve in areas of their own interest. To do this, we accommodate each student’s interests, allowing them to balance curricular and extra-curricular activities, and encourage them to pursue their interests.
- We are committed to fostering leadership in all of our students. To achieve this, we have programs and activities which encourage each student to lead among their peers.
- We are committed to allowing each student to live a healthy and active lifestyle. To do this, we provide education on a healthy lifestyle, and encourage sporting and other co-curricular activities.
Our philosophy is enacted through our teaching and care for students. Our philosophy guides our teaching, strategic plans and governance decisions.
To ensure that current and prospective staff, students and parents understand the philosophy of our School, we publish this philosophy in our:
- Prospectus
- Website
- Strategic plan
The Annual Report covers the previous academic year. It forms part of the School’s compliance with government requirements and standards, reporting on:
- Expenditure on and participation in professional development
- Student attendance and retention
- Parent, student and teacher satisfaction
- Results of NAPLAN testing for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9
- VCE results and post-school destinations
Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School is registered by both the Commonwealth and State Governments to provide Primary, Secondary and VCE education services in Victoria. The Victorian Education and Training Reform Act 2006 sets minimum standards and other requirements for school registration. The process of validation of a school’s compliance is overseen by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority. The School is subject to periodic registration renewal programs and various government legislative acquittals and compliance obligations.
The ELC is registered as a licensed provider of early education and kindergarten services by ACEQA and the Department of Education and Early Childhood in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and 2011 regulations.
Please find details of Strathcona’s Privacy Policy
Strathcona Implements the Ethical Advocate online whistleblower service
Strathcona has partnered with Ethical Advocate, a leading provider of governance, risk and compliance solutions, to provide an online whistleblower service for our employees and other system users.
Ethical Advocate provides a secure and anonymous online platform for system user to file reports of unethical behavior and/or business practices. Strathcona values the input of our stakeholders and is committed to building a robust and relevant ethics program. We recognise that having an online whistleblower service brings greater compliance and empowers and builds employee and stakeholder trust.
For further details on eligibility and reporting procedures, please refer to our Whistleblower Policy.
About Ethical Advocate
Ethical Advocate, and its parent organization KJAS, provide systems to manage confidential data and information for corporate, government, and educational institutions. Ethical Advocate provides leading governance, risk and compliance solutions supporting Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, and many other regulatory and reporting needs. Persons desiring to report incidents, indiscretions, or suggestions can do so securely, online, 24/7/365, with privacy and anonymity. For more information, visit the website at www.ethadv.com.
Online Whistle Blower Service: Ethical Advocate
Please find details of Strathcona’s Complaints Handling Policy here
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety and Wellbeing
Please click here to view our Child Protection and Safety Policy →
Please click here to view our Adult Child Safety and Wellbeing Code of Conduct →
Please click here to view our Student Child Safety and Wellbeing Code of Conduct →
Child Safety Reporting Obligations Policy
Please find details of Strathcona’s Parent Code of Conduct here