What does being a House Mentor involve?
The House Mentor role involves meeting individually with the Senior School students in my House – Findlay. Mentoring sessions provide an opportunity to discuss academic progress, personal wellbeing and future pathways. These discussions can involve offering a range of suggestions and resources as well as supporting students with developing goals and discovering solutions to challenges as they arise.

What do you enjoy about being a House Mentor?
It offers a great opportunity to get to know students outside the classroom environment, to hear about their latest sporting achievement, the play they are performing in, or the new part-time job they have just commenced. It is a privilege to be able to celebrate their achievements and offer support when it is required.
What do you do to look after your own wellbeing?
In addition to spending time with family and friends, I love listening to music and as the saying goes – it is good for the soul!
What is the best advice you give to students?
‘The journey is just as important as the destination.’ While it’s important to set goals and make sacrifices along the way, it’s just as important to find time each and every day to indulge in something you enjoy.