Congratulations to Our Outstanding Staff

Educator Awards 2022
Congratulations to Head of Digital Learning and Innovation Professional Learning Team and Pedagogy Leader, Catherine Newton, Year 2 Teacher, Eliza Nolan and Senior Dean of Learning Futures Ross Phillips, on their recent Educator Awards.

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Cath Newton and Eliza Nolan received the Rising Star award. The award recognises an educator’s positive impact on students’ learning experiences and outcomes and a commitment to professional development and collaboration with colleagues to address student learning needs.

Ross Phillips received the award for being one of the Most Influential Educators. The award recognises educators who have demonstrated innovation and creativity that is driving the education industry forward.

Read the Staff profiles below.

Catherine Newton is a promising and exciting educator with a voracious approach to her research across a range of areas of education, particularly theories of education and the future of schooling. She is a forward thinker who investigates what the next step will be in the educational landscape, whilst also having proven experience in traditional academic schools and a respect for the depth of learning in its disciplines. She is called upon from outside entities for her input and collaboration into thinking about how to improve schools in an evolving contemporary context.

Catherine continues the work of leading the development and implementation of digital learning pedagogy in learning and teaching practices across the School. Additionally, she builds staff capacity in the application of contemporary ideas and methods through the development of a leadership team and the design and implementation of a professional learning model. She is a passionate educator who will influence the future of schooling.

Eliza Nolan is an enthusiastic, positive and compassionate educator. Her presence allows all students to feel valued, included and respected. She is committed to providing a learning environment in which they feel comfortable and supported whilst also being appropriately challenged to develop their individual skills and knowledge. She also actively reinforces and celebrates positive aspects of being female through positive body image, encouragement of risk taking, active and enthusiastic engagement in all STEM subjects, sisterhood, healthy competition and sport.

Eliza’s level of innovation in teaching is extraordinary and she has an innate ability to tap into the wellbeing of each child and create appropriate positive learning foundations in the early learning years. She is selfless, dedicated and passionate about the way she teaches and delivers the curriculum, and will continue to influence students and staff with her teaching.

Ross Phillips is an outstanding educator who encourages staff and students to challenge themselves, be curious and creative. He has brought student thinking and learning skills to the fore at Strathcona, promoting effective feedback and visible thinking. Ross has developed TELL, a whole school process for engaging teachers in reflecting on and sharing their innovations in their teaching.

Active in the education field and conscious that the world is changing fast, Ross has established and leads the Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures, which has included presentations by a diverse selection of thought leaders on the future of work. Ross brings statistics and qualitative data to decision making. His analyses reveal to the community the value added by Strathcona to student academic achievement and uses data analysis with students and teachers to help them effectively manage their learning and place the academic achievement of the School in context.

Following his curiosity and developing as a researcher, Ross is completing a PhD at The University of Melbourne. He argues that the subject selections of senior secondary students are shaped by school level influences with implications for equity, opportunity for social mobility, and the skills of the future workforce.