Wholebeing at Strathcona
Megan Boyd, Dean of Students at Strathcona Girls Grammar, shares the importance of the School’s Wholebeing program and how this contributes to the overall academic success and happiness of students.
Megan Boyd, Dean of Students at Strathcona Girls Grammar, shares the importance of the School’s Wholebeing program and how this contributes to the overall academic success and happiness of students.
Featuring in The Saturday Age, Strathcona Girls Grammar Principal, Lorna Beegan, shares insights on how students today have a more active role in selecting their school, and it’s no longer just about academics – it’s about finding an environment that aligns with their passions and personal interests too.
Meet our Dux of 2024, Rachel Zhou, who achieved an ATAR of 99.9, and proudly shares her story on how Strathcona supported her to be unstoppable, attributing much of her success to embracing opportunities, a balanced lifestyle, and leaving Year 12 with no regrets.
Megan Boyd, Dean of Students at Strathcona Girls Grammar School, says belonging is key to student wellbeing
Independent Schools Guide 2024: A holistic approach to wellbeing post-pandemic Read More »
Girls in senior school are successfully juggling their academic studies with elite sport performance, writes Janet Stone.
Schools Develop Strategies to Level the Playing Field Read More »
Recently, 21 – 23 March 2023, I flew a very lengthy 50 minutes to Canberra to attend the annual National Schools Constitutional Convention which was organised by the National Curriculum Services (Department Of Education Victoria). I was one of 118 delegates from schools all over Australia.
Well done to our Strathcona Rowing Squad, who performed exceptionally well over the weekend at HOSG. The conditions were tough and everchanging throughout the course, but all the hard work that our students put in across the season was rewarded.
Jennifer Biggin (’84) studied teaching in Mathematics and Computing and after a few years decided to focus on computer science and changed to a Science Degree at The University of Melbourne. Jennifer discusses how Strathcona taught her that she can do anything she puts her mind to and although STEM is a highly male dominated field, it didn’t bother her.
Dr Monique Fernandez (’13) graduated in 2021 with a Doctor of Medicine at The University of Melbourne and has since been working as a Doctor at the Austin Hospital. Monique shares her personal experience about being a woman working in the STEM field, where she is still witness to gender stereotypes around the role of a Doctor being a male dominated career path. However, Monique uses this as an opportunity for education and discusses how it is becoming increasingly prevalent to see women in STEM careers and how these old traditions are being challenged.
Dr Kathleen McInnes (’79) leads the Climate Extremes and Projections group in the Climate Science Centre in CSIRO’s Ocean and Atmosphere business unit. Her work deals with how climate change will affect severe weather and coastal extreme sea levels in Australia and the Pacific. Her work assists local government to manage and adapt to climate change. She was a lead author on the IPCC Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere in 2019. She currently serves as a co-chair of the World Climate Research Program Grand Challenge on Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts. Read below for the full interview with Kathleen.