2018 was again a remarkable year for Strathcona. We continued to nurture our students to have strong leadership skills, offered them a place for student voice and empowerment…
2018 was again a remarkable year for Strathcona. We continued to nurture our students to have strong leadership skills, offered them a place for student voice and empowerment…
Strathcona congratulates our Class of 2018 on their excellent VCE results. Their achievements are made possible through collaboration, dedication and sheer hard work. Strathcona’s Class of 2018 is truly unstoppable. Congratulations It is with pleasure that we congratulate the class of 2018 on their outstanding VCE results. We are proud of our enduringly strong academic
As young people across the state prepare to receive their ATAR exam results, and the mixed bag of emotions that come with it, it’s important to remember that success should not be measured or reduced to mere letters and numbers; grades, ATAR scores, GPAs or degrees.
Year 12 Results Aren’t the Only Measure of Success Read More »
The Parent Website run by Independent Schools Victoria interviewed Faye Evans, Strathcona’s Postive Parenting Seminar speaker and psychologist, on her advice to assist children with anxiety. Clinical psychologist Faye Evans recently presented a Positive Parenting Seminar at Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar. Here she shares her advice for helping children deal with problems or something upsetting
We proudly announce Dr Kate Rickersey (Dalrymple ’96) as our 2018 Strathcona Medallist. Kate significant contribution to improving the lives and prospects of people in developing countries over three continents is a clear demonstration of excellence in her field and an exceptional contribution to the wider international community. Here is Kate’s acceptance speech from Presentation
In eighteen periods over the last two weeks, the Year 7 and 8 students engaged in an intensive transdisciplinary curriculum experience called #coLAB that focussed on a number of the most prized aspects of a contemporary education. The # acknowledges contemporary interactions and community through technology, the co stands for coding, the LAB suggests a
Below is Principal, Mrs Marise McConaghy address to the audience at Presentation Night. Good evening distinguished guests, staff, students, families and special friends of Strathcona. I would like to acknowledge Rev Daniel Bullock, Director of Mission and Ministries at the Baptist Union of Victoria, and also Dr Kate Rickersley, recipient of this year’s Strathcona Medal.
This year it is 90 years since the very first Strathconian was published. It is interesting to see the difference between the 1928 cover and the 2018 cover. The stories and memories this publication has shared in its years of editions. To read the full 1928 edition please view below.
I have often feared that school teaches students that they are not good at things; that school acts as a filter rather than a capacity builder. Even as school has become much more inclusive, providing a range of pathways and inviting universal senior secondary completion, there are a lot of types or categories of student
Our Head of Digital Learning and Innovation discusses the importance of girls learning to code on Studio Ten When other schools may be winding down at the end of term, our Year 7 and 8 students will be gearing up to a new level of learning with #coLAB. In this week-long intensive program students