
Tamsyn Lovass ATAR banner

Surrey Hills teen Tamsyn Lovass celebrates stunning ATAR result and offers sage advice for next year’s Year 12 cohort

In the media: Herald Sun Thursday 12 December 2019 Tamsyn Lovass has the world at her feet after scoring an impressive 99.9 for her ATAR. The Strathcona Girls Grammar student’s result puts her among the highest achieving Year 12 students in the state and she said while she was hoping for the best this morning,

Surrey Hills teen Tamsyn Lovass celebrates stunning ATAR result and offers sage advice for next year’s Year 12 cohort Read More »

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The value of financial literacy in girls’ education

Teaching financial literacy in the classroom is one promising way to improve the financial capacity of young women today. Equally, we encourage our students to talk about money with their parents at home. Financial education is a building block for the future, ensuring our next generation of leaders follows the best financial path at every age to secure them the future of their dreams.

The value of financial literacy in girls’ education Read More »

Dear Year 12 2019 Mail banner

Dear Year 12 students of 2019

Don’t be afraid to change the course of your life, Take yourself out of your context and Seek dissent is a small portion of the wisdom shared in letters from our alumnae to our Year 12 students. As our Year 12s head toward the last of their exams, we encourage them to reflect on their letters and the wisdom shared. #girlsunstoppable #unstoppablewomen

Dear Year 12 students of 2019 Read More »