
Pathway graphs

Measuring a School: VCE and Tertiary Offers

How do you measure the success of a school? The work of schools is so complex and is not done in isolation, with families playing such an important role. There is no clearly defined product. There are many metrics parents and students can use to judge the success of their school: friendships and networks formed, curiosities aroused, sense of belonging, identification of strengths and interests, opportunities to engage in diverse experiences and many, many more. Education certainly cannot be reduced to a number.

Measuring a School: VCE and Tertiary Offers Read More »

STEM girl performance

Girls outperform boys at school, yet still shy away from STEM

In recent years there has been much made about the gender differences seen in academic results, university enrolments and career pathways. There are numerous research studies that show unequivocally that students in single-sex schools benefit academically from a learning environment free from gender stereotyping, unconscious bias and social pressure.

Girls outperform boys at school, yet still shy away from STEM Read More »

Tamsyn Lovass ATAR banner

Surrey Hills teen Tamsyn Lovass celebrates stunning ATAR result and offers sage advice for next year’s Year 12 cohort

In the media: Herald Sun Thursday 12 December 2019 Tamsyn Lovass has the world at her feet after scoring an impressive 99.9 for her ATAR. The Strathcona Girls Grammar student’s result puts her among the highest achieving Year 12 students in the state and she said while she was hoping for the best this morning,

Surrey Hills teen Tamsyn Lovass celebrates stunning ATAR result and offers sage advice for next year’s Year 12 cohort Read More »