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The groupwork dilemma: facilitating team challenges in the middle years during remote learning

“Over this period of remote learning in Term 2, 2020, a teaching and learning experience that none of us will ever forget, we have been asked to undergo education and all that we know in reverse, and from the end of a
virtual platform.” English Teachers Mrs Rhiannon Ward and Mrs Miranda Gazis write in Idiom.

The groupwork dilemma: facilitating team challenges in the middle years during remote learning Read More »

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Open House Melbourne virtual tour of Tay Creggan

Take a virtual tour of the magnificent building Tay Creggan and learn about its interesting history. You can also take a tour of Tay Creggan in Minecraft or download the TC Minecraft world and explore on your own in Minecraft. Additionally, listen to the TC Envision webinar with the League of Extraordinary Women or listen to mini lessons of food technology, science or drama.

Open House Melbourne virtual tour of Tay Creggan Read More »

Survival of the Arts Art

The Survival of the Arts

“The Comedy Festival has always ushered in the beginning of Autumn, and its cancellation two weeks before opening signaled something far more ominous for the arts community. At a time when Australians desperately needed to laugh, the cancellation of one of the world’s largest comedy festivals brought the impact of Covid-19 home…” writes our Director of Productions, Mrs Claire Johns.

The Survival of the Arts Read More »

Every record scott's banner

What is of every record?

If history was rewritten what would it say? There are numerous discussions taking place about history and the portrayal in our society at present. Our Head of Humanities writes an interesting blog about the representation of history. One that will leave you questioning and thinking about what would you portray. #unstoppablethinking #girlsunstoppable

What is of every record? Read More »