
Strathcona community

Connecting alumnae

StrathconaConnect is an online platform which will, for the first time, bring together our powerful network of Strathcona women across all graduation years, providing opportunities for professional development, mentoring, networking and volunteering. It is a place where our alumnae can find old friends and make new ones, create interest groups, post and attend events, seek help, and offer it.

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TC Envision for the WIN

TC Envision staff are named the 2020 UpSchool Entrepreneur Educators of the Year at The University of Melbourne Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship. It is a testament to the forward-thinking Entrepreneurial TC Envision program which teaches life ready skills to our girls. Plus, our outstanding Year 9 student TC Envision Business group TC Marketplace website was awarded the 2020 UpSchool Student Pitch Winner! #girlsunstoppable #unstoppableteaching

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10 Tips to Support Your Child’s Well being and Keep Them Motivated During COVID-19

COVID-19 has presented huge challenges for us all, and sadly our kids aren’t immune from the stresses it’s created. Between an incredibly disrupted school year, learning from home, missing friends, and not being able to do a lot of their regular extra-curricular activities, the pandemic has been tough on kids everywhere. It’s not surprising then that their motivation and general wellbeing can fluctuate.
Fortunately, there are a number of simple things you can do help maintain your child’s wellbeing, and keep them happy, healthy and on task during this tricky time.

10 Tips to Support Your Child’s Well being and Keep Them Motivated During COVID-19 Read More »

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Year 9 English: how explicit teaching of metalanguage and a Reading Journal improved analytical writing

“Those of us on the inside know its special joy: the precious window of opportunity between the self-doubting, oft-misdirected energies of the junior secondary years and the aspirational anxiety of VCE. Every ancient culture knew that this is the time for initiation
into adulthood and, indeed, this is also our lived experience in the classroom.” write teachers Mrs Katrina Renard and Mrs Cathie Waldron in Idiom magazine highlighting the delight and fulfillment of teaching Year 9.

Year 9 English: how explicit teaching of metalanguage and a Reading Journal improved analytical writing Read More »