In The Media

Climate Change: A Young Woman’s Perspective.

Climate action is extremely important to the young people of today. Emily Harle, Year 12 has paired her voice with her passion to protect our planet, to highlight the very real issues our country faces when it comes to climate change. In She Society today, Emily expresses the need for a clear plan to tackle the negative impacts of climate change to ensure a better future for Australians in years to come.

Climate Change: A Young Woman’s Perspective. Read More »

‘If you’re not playing the long game, you’re not getting my vote’: What young people want politicians to know.

The past few years have been tough for everyone but in some ways especially difficult for young adults. In The Age today, Saskia Heng shared what she wanted the next government to know so that it can steer the country in the right direction.

‘If you’re not playing the long game, you’re not getting my vote’: What young people want politicians to know. Read More »