
Tamsyn Lovass ATAR banner

Surrey Hills teen Tamsyn Lovass celebrates stunning ATAR result and offers sage advice for next year’s Year 12 cohort

In the media: Herald Sun Thursday 12 December 2019 Tamsyn Lovass has the world at her feet after scoring an impressive 99.9 for her ATAR. The Strathcona Girls Grammar student’s result puts her among the highest achieving Year 12 students in the state and she said while she was hoping for the best this morning,

Surrey Hills teen Tamsyn Lovass celebrates stunning ATAR result and offers sage advice for next year’s Year 12 cohort Read More »

year 5 student

Program gives Year 5 girls ‘emotional toolkit of skills’

Social Tuesdays provides a nurturing classroom environment. Our perspective is that all students are open to having an opinion, and even if they are nervous, their contribution is highly valued. As a result of our focus on Emotional Intelligence through Social Tuesdays, we have also observed our students as a group are more cohesive and there has been a significant increase in collaboration.

Program gives Year 5 girls ‘emotional toolkit of skills’ Read More »