Kids in a class of their own
Parents struggling to work out at which age is best for children to start school have been reminded that every child should be looked at as an individual rather than just a number.
Parents struggling to work out at which age is best for children to start school have been reminded that every child should be looked at as an individual rather than just a number.
“Our students start learning about digital programs and technology during the first few years of their education … which is essential when building a strong foundation of problem-solving.”
Early education is important to ensure your daughter obtains the critical love of learning to thrive throughout life. Creative thinking, collaboration, problem solving, digital literacy and strong fundamental literacy and numeracy are essential in building girls confidence and ability to thrive in learning and life.
Our universal ability to access issues and perspectives, and our already apparent desire to make positive change in a world riddled with crises seem to me to be the most obvious examples of the kind of change we are going to make.
There has been much said about the skills needed to thrive in the workplace that the students of today will enter.
Providing relevant and immersive enterprise education is Year 9 Tay Creggan’s Envision program.
Students at Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar are learning to make their career dreams a reality with the guidance of some homegrown female entrepreneurs.
Mobile phones can be a great educational tool when used correctly, from taking photographs of fieldwork in geography, to slow motion videos to analyse motion in physics. Students can also use a school’s apps to stay on top of their timetable, co-curricular dates and due work, making it easier to stay organised.
‘As a principal, I don’t want a phone ban at school’ Read More »
Periodic tables, chemical equations and scientific experiments might sound like the worst homework imaginable.