
Every record scott's banner

What is of every record?

If history was rewritten what would it say? There are numerous discussions taking place about history and the portrayal in our society at present. Our Head of Humanities writes an interesting blog about the representation of history. One that will leave you questioning and thinking about what would you portray. #unstoppablethinking #girlsunstoppable

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When History finds you journal

When history finds you

“2020 will be a story that will be part of all our life histories. While we do not have the comfort of knowing exactly what will come next, and there is no back to normal on the immediate horizon, we can focus on the silver linings and the hope for things to be better, improved and more meaningful.” Head of Students – Pastoral and Wellbeing, Mrs Lucinda Thom reflects on the impact of isolation.

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Anxious kids classroom return

Leaving the bubble: Helping anxious kids prepare for a return to the classroom

Schools returning to the classroom has been a hot button topic of the coronavirus journey, prompting a debate among politicians, medical experts, education leaders, teachers and parents. Students are at the heart of the matter, and reintegration will pose far greater challenges for some than others.

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