
Physical Education is more than a Sport

Don’t you just play games all day? That is one of the most frustrating questions Physical Education (PE) teachers get asked about their jobs. Well yes, we do play games but there is more to Physical Education than scores on the board. Ask any ‘Phys Edder’ about their values and role in education, and you will get a passionate response about the importance of being physically active along with its greater impact on individuals and the whole community. They will speak about the link between physical activity and an individual’s overall wellbeing. Physical Education is not just about teaching sports, it is about developing and equipping students with life-long skills, because we want students to be life-long participants in physical activity and the community.  

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Cyber Safety and Risk

Strathcona’s Continuous Learning Program has heightened our awareness of the positive power that technology has in our daily lives. It enabled us to continue to deliver education through three lockdowns and, very importantly, to communicate and maintain connections and a sense of community.
However, there is a dark side that we need to be aware of when it comes to technology use.

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